Tag Archives: Social media

thirdoceanTV – in conversation with Jaime Stein

The following interview first appeared on the thirdocean website. thirdocean is a boutique social media and digital communications agency that I am partner with.  I also have the privilege of being the host of  program called thirdoceanTV.

This year’s first guest is Jaime Stein of ING.  Jaime currently leads the social media strategy for ING DIRECT here in Canada. Prior to that he was the Canadian Football League’s head of digital and social media where he was in charge of content strategy for CFL.ca.  Jaime also launched the CFL’s involvement in social media.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=424rS2CWqu4?rel=0]

You can follow Jaime Stein on Twitter and on his website.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay up to date with our conversations with North America’s leaders in Social Media and Digital Communications. Follow us on Twitter @wearethirdocean, and Like us on Facebook.

How do you use Facebook?

I was asked this question from my cousin last night. It was an interesting question in that it has been a while since anyone has asked me this question. As a result, also surprisingly, I didn’t know how to answer him. He wasn’t asking how I use Facebook for business but for myself.

It was a question I had to think about for a minute. Then I realized. I actually use it for business. Or more specifically, I use Facebook (and all social media tools/platforms) to brand myself as someone who understands and is on top of what is happening in the digital world. I won my own business, so this is important to me.

I want to understand what is happening in mobile, digital, location, social and marketing in general. And if I find anything interesting, I want to share this. And if people see I’m sharing this information then they are going to believe that I am an expert of sorts.

However, I also want people (friends, family, business associates, connections and potential clients/partners) to know that I’m actually a human being with”likes” and hobbies and a life. So I’ll also post stuff about Neil Young, my travels and even my family.

It’s really all about branding.  I want people to be able to see me online and answer the question, “Who is Karim Kanji?” Even if they answer, “I’m not sure, but he sure is interesting” then I’ve also met my objective.

How do you use Facebook?

Busy But Exciting

I know, I know. It’s been almost two months since I’ve last posted.  It’s not because I have nothing to talk about. I’ve just been terribly busy. Not to mention that WordPress.com has changed a bit which has thrown me off.

What has kept me busy these past couple of months? Work. And not in a bad way. This has been a great summer at thirdocean. We’ve secured new clients, are developing a new website and even building…something. 😉

I look forward to sharing more with you on a regular basis.

If you’re on Twitter follow me at @karimkanji. You’ll find I share a lot of interesting content. Well, at least I think so…..

Securely Back Up and Index Your Tweets

There are many “shiny new tools” that come out to serve the social media industry these days.

Late last week one such tool was publicly launched in beta and actually grabbed my attention: qlouds.net.

Why do I like qlouds? As a heavy Twitter user it’s like magic to me.

First off, Twitter doesn’t “remember” all my tweets. Qlouds does. As soon as I registered my account, qlouds stores all my tweets. ALL OF THEM: Mentions, Tweets, ReTweets, DMs, and favourites.

And qlouds comes with its own search engine: I can search user name and even subjects.

If you’re interested in signing up for a free beta trial of qlouds, visit qlouds.net.

social media workshop at PwC

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to lead a workshop focusing on social media as it relates to the business-to-business realm. It was a lively 75 minute workshop mostly filled with discussion and interaction amongst the attendees who were all from the marketing department at PwC (Price Waterhouse Coopers).

We didn’t video tape the workshop, but I do have the presentation below. I hope you enjoy. And if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or find me on Twitter

social media and business-to-business [slideshare id=11943108&w=425&h=355&sc=no]

View more presentations from Karim Kanji

BizMedia surprises me with a visit

I was going to make the title of this post, “The ROI of a Facebook like is $500.”  But then that would defeat the purpose of this blog post and video.

Last week Dan Demsky (head of BizMedia Agency) sent me an email saying that he needed to meet up with me to chat. I’ve known Dan for a couple of years now so finding time to meet him was no problem. But I was curious why he wasn’t specific on why he wanted to meet me. Being a business owner I thought he wanted to possibly chat about collaborating (which I still hope happens, Dan!).

So last Friday, Dan and I agreed to meet up at The Work Republic in in Toronto just south of Steeles.  Little did I know why.  And yes it was a surprise. Watch below.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcEVrrgId9g]

Dan, thanks so much for the surprise. If all I got was a hug for being BizMedia’s 500th fan, I would have been just as surprised, excited and happy. More than that you made me feel important. Important enough that you hired a PINK limousine to drive north of the 401. With or without Facebook, I will always be a fan of you, your team and the work that you do.

The Social Media Revolution: Using Social Media to Market Yourself and Raise Money

Are you an artist or a member of an art-based youth organization?

If so, you might be interested in an interactive workshop I’m helping to facilitate on February 23rd:

Join ArtReach Toronto for an interactive workshop where attendees will discuss how to use social media tools to communicate a clear brand and promote their art or nonprofit group / organization.

Another focus of the session will be on how to leverage these tools to generate revenue and raise funds to support your cause. Attendees will also hear from a youth arts organization that has successfully utilized social media strategies to increase their profile and raise funds.

The Details:

RSVP: This workshop is open to youth (13 to 29 yrs). Please REGISTER no later than February 21 at noon by emailing:info@artreachtoronto.ca with your name, organization/ group (if any), email address and phone number. A confirmation will be sent. Space for this workshop is limited so register today! Food and refreshments will be provided.

Date: February 23, 2012
Location: ING Direct Cafe, 221 Yonge St (Yonge and Shuter), side entrance.

Time: 6:00pm – Registration
6:30pm to 9:00pm – Workshop

A fun and interactive @UFC Infographic

What do you get when you mashup the Ultimate Fighting Championship, social media and infographics? A fun and interactive infographic like the one below.


(if the infographic doesn’t respond please visit: http://public.tableausoftware.com/views/UFC/Dashboard1?:embed=y )


Dashboard 1

The UFC has put alot of emphasis on social media. If you watch any of the Pay Per Views you will notice that each fighter and personality has their Twitter handle (@TitoOrtiz, etc) displayed. However, it seems that the number of followers doesn’t correspond to base salary or even Twitter bonuses.

In the data I found, Mauricio Rua had the most followers but Tito Ortiz earned the most as reflected by base salary. And the only one to earn any Twitter bonuses was Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira.

2011 fighter of the year Jon “Bones” Jones was 3rd in base salary earned (although his PPV, win and fight bonuses would amount to much more), 2nd in number of Google search results, and 3rd in Twitter followers.

What is very interesting to note is that PPV kings Brock Lesnar, Georges St. Pierre and Anderson Silva are nowhere to be found in the top ten UFC base salary earners.



How Google’s “Search Plus Your World” Update Changes Social Media (guest post)

This past week I had the pleasure of hanging with my friend Nicholas Montgomery at a conference here in Toronto. While there we had the opportunity to chat about Google’s new “search plus your world” product. Since then, Nicholas has blogged about this upcoming release. It’s such a great read that I asked Nicholas if I could reproduce his article. He agreed.

Enjoy the read and please leave your comments below.

Nicholas Montgomery is the Technology Expert for The Marilyn Denis Show (CTV) and an intern at Sprouter. You can follow him on Twitter, like his Facebook page or read his blog.

Search Plus Your World

At the Socalize Toronto Conference yesterday several hundred people gathered to talk about social media. Pretty much everything social media was discussed: Facebook ad targeting, Twitter chats, 3D virtual worlds, Google+ and more. I learnt a lot about Facebook marketing and how to measure traction. But there was one very, very important game changing social media aspect which almost everyone I talked to was completely unaware of. This is important game changer for social media is Google’s “Search Plus Your World” search update.
It will have a major impact on the dimensions of all searching on the web.

If you have not heard about “Search Plus Your World” and you’re involved in anything on web from blogging to startups to marketing, you need to read this and know it inside and out now. The early adopters are going to reap the greatest rewards.

Continue reading How Google’s “Search Plus Your World” Update Changes Social Media (guest post)

Dx3 Canada – Canada’s Digital Trade Show

Over the holidays I had the pleasure of meeting one of the team members of Canada’s newest trade show: Dx3 Canada.  What got me really excited is that Dx3 Canada is focusing on Canada’s digital industry – which is the space that I work in as a founder and partner of thirdocean.  After finding out more information about Dx3 Canada and being personally invited, I promised to help promote them.

Dx3 Canada takes place at Toronto’s Metro Toronto Convention Centre (South Building) on January 25 and 26.  (There’s still a few tickets left with some amazing speakers and sessions.)

Some of you may be really interested in going but maybe the $199 ticket price is too much for you.  No problem.  You can still attend and visit the Expo Floor for FREE! (Yeah, that’s my favourite 4-letter word also.)

Companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Visa, American Express will be there.  As will local favourites such as BNOTIONS.

In fact, here’s a link to all the FREE stuff that you can consume at this month’s ONLY Canadian conference dedicated to the digital life: http://www.dx3canada.com/Content/FEATURES-INFO/17/.

If you’re there, hit me up at @karimkanji and let’s hook up!