Tag Archives: bizmedia

BizMedia surprises me with a visit

I was going to make the title of this post, “The ROI of a Facebook like is $500.”  But then that would defeat the purpose of this blog post and video.

Last week Dan Demsky (head of BizMedia Agency) sent me an email saying that he needed to meet up with me to chat. I’ve known Dan for a couple of years now so finding time to meet him was no problem. But I was curious why he wasn’t specific on why he wanted to meet me. Being a business owner I thought he wanted to possibly chat about collaborating (which I still hope happens, Dan!).

So last Friday, Dan and I agreed to meet up at The Work Republic in in Toronto just south of Steeles.  Little did I know why.  And yes it was a surprise. Watch below.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcEVrrgId9g]

Dan, thanks so much for the surprise. If all I got was a hug for being BizMedia’s 500th fan, I would have been just as surprised, excited and happy. More than that you made me feel important. Important enough that you hired a PINK limousine to drive north of the 401. With or without Facebook, I will always be a fan of you, your team and the work that you do.