Category Archives: digital media

foursquare for real estate – post 13 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

In early August I blogged about a two week experiment I did with the location based online service, Foursquare.  I posted 7 observations during my first trial on using this mobile application.  If you’re unfamiliar with this service I suggest you take a few minutes and read it.   Then come back here.

At first glance Foursquare might look like a goldmine.  You can post tips and to-do’s in locations. Even in locations that you don’t visit.

Here are some tips you might want to think about:

  • Please don’t feel that you have to leave your electronic business card everywhere you go.  It’s as annoying as handing out your business card during events and times when it’s not really appropriate.  They might teach you different in real estate training school.  In real life, the secret to landing more business is to be likeable.
  • Checking into interesting places and locations is key when you’re selling and buying real estate.
  • If you specialize in commercial and new construction consider checking into these properties when you are nearby and populating Twitter with this information.  You may even consider including a short note with your message.
  • Letting people know you’re in the real estate business is important. So if you work from home you might want to check in.
  • If you buy and sell residential re-sales get permission from your clients and from the homeowner before you check in.  There might be some privacy implications at stake.

If you’ve used Foursquare for your business please leave a note below on what you have done.

qr codes for real estate – post 12 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.  

QR (Quick Response) bar codes have been around for a long time.  According to Wikipedia, “although initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR Codes are now used in a much broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at mobile phone users (known as mobile tagging).  QR Codes can be used to display text to the user, to add a vCard contact to the user’s device, to open a URI or to compose a text message or email.”

QR Codes for Real Estate

The coolest thing for Realtors is that anyone can generate their own QR Code for others to scan and use by visiting free QR Code generating sites.  Now let’s discuss how you can use them for your business.

  • On your real estate sign outside your listed property so people can digitally experience an open house at any time.
  • On your business card so potential clients can read about you and see your listings.
  • Almost any marketing piece you are involved in can use a QR code. Think of all the print advertising you use.  And that bus bench too!

Not many companies and brands are presently using QR codes.  However, many of your clients are using smartphones.  This ‘connected’ demographic is also used to using their smartphones to gather information from the web.  Use this knowledge and QR codes to your best advantage.

Here’s a simple example of a QR code I made for this blog:

meetups for real estate – post 11 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

In my opinion what makes digital and social media most effective is when brands interact with their customers or fans in the real world.  I recently wrote a piece called “major league baseball proves that meetups work in the age of digital and social media.”  I showed that when baseball’s general managers gather for their regular meetings, many trades and deals happen.  More so than at an other time of year.  And I argued that it is because these people feel more comfortable dealing in person than through other digital means.

What this means for Real Estate

Let’s press pause here and do a little reflection.

I believe that we all need to discover new and imaginative ways to use new tools and technology to market and promote our business.  And this includes all things online, digital and social.

However, I also believe that we need to do what works.  And this means doing what I call, “slowing down to speed up.”  Actually meeting people one on one or in small groups may not seem productive.  But at second glance it just might be.  When was the last time you had a conversation with someone face to face for more than 15 minutes?


Here are some suggestions to help you get thinking of what you might want to do:

  • Take the time to hold a get together of people who have supported you.  How does a movie night for family and friends sound?
  • Support a neighbourhood picnic or garage sale.  Do more than post your name and business number on a sign.  Get your hands dirty.
  • Invite a special speaker into your office to talk to you and your associates (maybe even those you see as competition).  This person could be a mortgage broker or even someone who can help you understand about various tech tools.
  • Hold a business-time barbeque for your office neighbours.  I suggest waiting until the weather improves.

What other IRL (in real life) events can you think of?  If you’ve organized a meetup please share your experiences below.

5 best iPad apps for real estate agents – post 10 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.  

As professionals (and that includes Realtors) find more uses for their iPads, I thought I would include the 5 best iPad apps.  This one’s for you, Realtors!

Complete RealtyThis innovative app allows users to access foreclosed, pre-foreclosed, auction, and bank-owned homes right from their fingertips.  The app provides each property’s asking price, square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, year built, housing type, and also includes a picture and satellite aerial view of each home, a detailed map, driving directions and much much more.

RentCompass – View photo albums of rental properties at higher resolution and use the iPad multi-touch experience to navigate through rental properties with as little clicks as possible.

Keynotethis app from Apple is a great tool when doing listing presentations or showing clients various properties for sale.  Don’t let the chance to make a great first impression pass you by.

Pulse News ReaderWant to keep up on all the business, real estate and other news you find interesting?  Then Pulse might be for you.  Pulse is a visual news reader for your iPad. It takes the news sources you follow, and instantly creates a visual mosaic of your news. Tap on an article, and you’re presented with a very clean view of the news story. 

Realtor AssistantThe market keeping you busy?  Wish you had more than 24 hours in a day and more than 7 days in a week?  Realtor Assistant was created to help Realtors stay focused on what needs to be done. Simply create a new project, pick your workflow and start date. The app will do the rest and populate your calendar with all of the necessary events that you need to finish the job! It’s a great way to stay organized and each project can be customized to fit that specific clients needs.

Do you use an iPad for your business?  What’s your favourite iPad app?

which smartphone should a real estate agent use? – post 9 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

You have 3 4 choices:

  1. Windows Phone 7.
  2. BlackBerry (pick your version. I use a Torch).
  3. Android-powered device.
  4. iPhone 4 (does anyone still use a 3?)

I’m not going to tell you which one to use.  But here are some questions you should ask yourself.  The answers will tell you which one you should use.

  • what do you want to use the phone for?
  • are mobile apps important to you?
  • will you use it to make any sort of visual presentation?
  • what’s your budget?
  • are you a full time or a part time agent?
  • do you value productivity tools over entertainment applications?
  • is a smartphone a communication device for you?
  • are there mobile apps that you need to conduct business?
  • is having the latest and coolest gadget important to you?

Ok.  I said I wouldn’t tell you which phone to use.  But I will tell you which phone I use.  The BlackBerry Torch.  I’m thinking if I was using an Android or iPhone that I’d be too busy playing games and wasting money buying apps.

But that’s just me.

5 mobile apps for real estate – post 8 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

  1. for Windows Phone 7.According to the press release, the app provides house hunters with the functionality of while taking advantage of Windows Phone 7 device features such as GPS.  The app allows users to search for houses and properties across Canada and to connect with REALTORS to view, buy or sell a property.  Photos, newly listed properties and open house information are all available.
  2. Zoocasa’s mobile search for iPhone. On your iPhone, Zoocasa uses the GPS to pinpoint your location and show you all the nearby homes that are listed for sale and indexed by Zoocasa.
  3. RealEstate411.  This app was released this past springin Canada.  This marketing tool that allows Canadian Realtors to generate leads, deliver instant property information and connect with prospective buyers over any cell phone.
  4. HomeZilla’s Neighbourhood Knowledge.  HomeZilla’s Neighbourhood Knowledge iPhone app makes researching Canadian neighbourhoods very easy: You can find the closest schools, parks, coffee shops, demographic information, electoral history, and much more.
  5. RentCompass.  RentCompass for the Android combines the rich functions of Google maps with your Android’s GPS into a very easy and powerful tool to find your next home to rent.

Do you have a favourite mobile real estate app?

youtube and real estate – post 6 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

My last post on digital marketing and real estate was about podcasting.  This one will be about YouTube and how you could potentially use this tool to market your real estate business.


Before we continue, a reminder:  These 31 blog posts are not meant to be an exhaustive list.  Nor is each post a complete post.  Digital and social media marketing changes constantly so to write everything in one post would be impossible.  What these are meant to do is act as a catalyst for you to change or adapt the way you are marketing yourself and your business.


YouTube allows you to post videos and share these videos via comments, links, social media sharing and embedding the actual videos on your personal site or blog.  Here are two ways that videos can help promote you and your business.


The obvious one is content.  Create fun and compelling content.  You can film anything from an open house, your latest listing, neighbourhood news or anything you and your clients might find interesting.  George O’Neill and David Pylyp are two Toronto-based real estate agents who really understand how to take advantage of this medium.

Both of these agents post everything from neighbourhood landmarks, client testimonials, and even humourous videos asking for your business. Their videos are almost always short and informative.

Link Building

The other thing these two agents have in common is that they understand the concept of link building and the important role this plays in building traffic and potential clients.

One of the things you will notice is how both George and David refer the viewer back to their website.  The best case scenario is that a viewer has stumbled upon their YouTube videos and finds them interesting enough to visit their website and leave a note for George or David.  We would all love this!

Here’s the worst case scenario:  Google recognizes a link between YouTube (a popular site) and their personal blog (not as popular).  In turn, Google ranks George and David’s blog a little higher.  Amazing!  Why?  Now, when you search for real estate information using terms that George and David have capitalized on, you will find them!  Brilliant!

Want to understand link building more?  Click here.

Want to understand how to make simple, easy and effective videos?  Get yourself a camera such as a Flip Mino and press the little red button. It’s that simple.

podcasting for real estate – post 5 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

By now you may be thinking to yourself, “I don’t think I can do this blogging or social media thing.”  Maybe it’s because you can’t figure out how to get your thoughts into the written word format.  Don’t be so hard on yourself.  It takes time.  I know. It’s taken me a long time and I don’t think I’ve arrived at all.

Maybe you like to talk though!  That’s where this post’s idea comes from.  If you like to talk, then podcasting may be for you.

Why Podcast:

Let’s first discuss what podcasting is.  Here’s a great video from friend Lee Lefever of Common Craft:


Do you see value in telling your story to an audience you may not have had access to?  That’s what marketing is all about.  Reaching new potential markets.

When you do start podcasting remember to share value.  Similar to your monthly newsletter it’s not always about the last listing you sold or the new property for sale. Talk about how to take care of your home, tips on saving for a down-payment and even your grandmother’s excellent pie recipe.

How to Podcast:

Here’s where it gets a little tricky.  I host a podcast called Social Media Show which is hosted by Perpetual Radio Networks (PRN).  If you were to stop me on the street and ask me “How does somebody start podcasting?” I may not be able to provide you with a proper answer.  However, if you asked me “How did you start podcasting?” then I can answer!

How I got started in podcasting:

I knew I wanted another outlet for my thoughts.  And I knew I wanted another outlet to tell the stories of people I was running into in my life.  Finally, I knew that my interest was mainly in social media.  So I did the only thing I knew how to do.  I tweeted:

I want to start a podcast. Can anyone help me?

Guess what happened?  I received a tweet back from PRN saying they were looking for someone to host a new show on their network.

Happy podcasting!

Tell us about your podcast or if you want to start and don’t know where to go leave a comment below.  Someone here may be able to help you.

get recommended on linkedin for real estate – post 4 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

Here’s a neat little tip for those of you in the real estate industry.

Recommendations are a huge part of your marketing campaign already.  Guess what?  Recommendations are a huge part of LinkedIn as well.  If you’re not familiar with LinkedIn, here’s a quick description courtesy of WikiLeaks Wikipedia:

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking.

LinkedIn’s recommendations are a vital part of creating new connections in the online and offline worlds.  They are identical to “centres of influence” or references on a traditional resume.  What they do is give the reader comfort knowing that there are other people out there who think highly of you and even recommend your services.

Here are 4 steps to get a LinkedIn recommendation:

  1. Set up a LinkedIn profile which includes your real estate business.
  2. Connect with friends, clients and business associates.
  3. Ask current and former clients to help your business by recommending you.
  4. Once someone has recommended you, you are able to see it before you approve the comments.


Now you can use these recommendations to help promote your business.

How do you use LinkedIn?  And what other digital and social tools do you use to promote your real estate business?

google places for real estate – post 3 of 31

marketing in a social age is devoting 31 posts this month to social and digital media and the real estate industry.

I’m only 3 posts in and I’m getting the feeling that this is going to be harder than I thought.  I want to make sure that what I blog about over the next little while helps you. So if you, as someone who is in the real estate industry, have a question about how you can use digital and social media tools, please comment below.

Google Places:

Make sure you own your piece of real estate on Google.  And this means creating a profile for yourself on Google Places.  (You’ll see by clicking on the link that when you enter my domain name in Google Maps that you see where my office is located.)

A Note About Google Places:

You will need a Gmail account to use Google Places.  So if you do go ahead and create your profile.  If not, what are you waiting for?

Back to Google Places:

Ok. Here’s a couple of really neat videos made by Google on the cool features of Google Places.



I would love to read your comments on how you will use Google Places for your business. Comment below.