Like it or not influence matters. And chances are you’re not sitting on the fence on this one. Especially when it comes to online influence. You either love Klout or you hate Klout.
You love Klout because you either understand what they are trying to achieve. Or if you’ve received a free bag of chips.
You hate Klout because you’ve never “won” anything in your life or your score is lower than 50. Or you don’t believe in what Klout is attempting to build.
But if I asked you if influence matters you would have to agree with me. Think about it for a moment:
- have you “liked” something on Facebook?
- ever “retweet” something on Twitter?
- have you ever forwarded an email or online article?
- do you refer products or services you enjoy to your friends?
You answered yes to at least one question above. And by doing so you’ve exerted your influence over someone else. And I believe this is what Klout wants to capture: The influence you, others and myself have in comparison to others.
Is Klout perfect just yet? Of course not. And it may never be. But here’s the question you should ask yourself:
Will you stop forwarding good content to your sphere of influence? Of course not. And that’s why Klout is important.
What say you?