welcome podcast

Welcome! Season 2

Season Two of Welcome! is now in the bag. Welcome! was designed to showcase conversations with members of Toronto’s creative community. They can be musicians, artists, and even entrepreneurs. Essentially, anyone who lives or works in Toronto that is doing interesting things.

This season I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing media personalities, a former boxer who once sparred with Mohammed Ali, entrepreneurs, someone who climbed Kilimanjaro, a convicted murderer as well as the mother of a child who is on Canada’s Do Not Fly List.

I’m really looking forward to Season Three of Welcome! You can expect to hear from people whom you know. And many that you don’t know. However, there is one thing you can expect: The conversations will shed light on the lives, success and failures of these people. I hope you enjoy this ride as much as I will enjoy bringing it to you.

Remember to follow my episodes of Welcome! on Girth Radio. You can also follow me on the Welcome! MixCloud station.

Season Two episodes:

#23 – Khadija Cajee #NoFlyLisyKids

#22 – Segun Akinsanya

#21 – Adam Mintz

#20 – Romana Kassam

#19 – Spider Jones

#18 – Morgan P. Campbell

#17 – Sammy Younan


