If you ask my wife, she will tell you how massive of a fan I am of Twitter. One of the reasons is that it is a quick and efficient communications platform that can be used by anyone, anywhere with a mobile phone, tablet or computer. Not too long ago she finally opened her own Twitter account. I announced then that with her getting on Twitter, that everyone in the world must be on Twitter. I tell you this story to tell you how wrong I was and still am.
Not everyone is on Twitter. All one has to do is check out a new and very cool visualization tool called Tweetping.
Tweetping allows you to visualize, in real time, where Twitter is being used globally. One of the things that struck me right away was how dark most of Africa and Asia was. Here are some other observations:
- At approximately 3pm EST, Europe is more active on Twitter than all of North America
- Brazil heavily dominates the use of Twitter in South America
- In Canada, most of the use is along the corridor between Windsor and Quebec City
- In the United States, the east coast is busier than the west coast.
Tweetping is built as an open source project and was created by Frank Ernewein. Check it out.