I say yes. And his name is Adam Goldberg.
Many of you might know Adam from movies such as Saving Private Ryan and A Beautiful Mind. Adam also happens to be an accomplished musician, designer and director.
And now, he’s using Vine as a creative outlet and to showcase his creative talents. (If you’re curious about Vine check out the blog post I wrote on my company website.)
Which is a good thing. He’s not making videos of cookies being eaten or cats playing with dogs. Not that I have anything against dogs. It’s those darn cats I can’t stand…
And Adam will not be alone for much longer. The Vine platform and format is simple to use. For anyone.
All you need is 6 seconds. A 6 second movie. About anything you want. Think about it. How many people wish they could create a viral video on YouTube? Many. But it’s not really the viral video people are interested in making unless they use the platform for business – “Hey Karim, can you make me a viral video?”
People are interested in the creativity of these videos. However, the masses have been stopped as a result of a continuous raising of the bar. With Vine, the barrier to entry is fixed. And it’s low. Only 6 seconds. Imagine what you can come up with in 6 seconds. Now all you have to do is grab your smartphone* and away you go.
What will you create in 6 seconds?
* = currently Vine is only on the iOS platform.