Perpetual Motion – SciFi Fantasy or Reality?

How many of you are Trekkies? Or fans of Star Wars or other SciFi fare? I enjoy a little Captain Kirk every once in a while.

Sometimes, however, you read a story and wonder how far off the cool tech toys from these shows are from becoming reality.

Case in point:

Ottawa resident, Thane Heins has seemingly discovered how to create a perpetual motion machine. Now, I’m not a science junkie so let me spell it out for you in York University-speak: A machine that essentially creates something out of nothing. Free energy so to speak.

Ok. Here’s the interesting part. Imagine no more gas line-ups. No more conversations at the water cooler about the high price of gas. No more massive energy bills.

I know I’m getting ahead of myself. But this all sounds very cool. Google this guy and check his stuff out on YouTube.

We do live in interesting times.

Karim Kanji

