Just Think

Dear Friends,

Was March a barn-burner for you as it was for us? I sure hope so! Business was booming while our family welcomed it’s newest edition! Kahzmir Amin Kanji was born on March 13th at 10:26am in Women’s College Hospital. Kahzmir is doing great and his parents are sleep deprived! Our heartfelt thanks to all our family and friends and especially the wonderful people at Women’s College Hospital in downtown Toronto.

I hope these newsletters are helping you to better understand the role of commission advances in your life as a real estate professional. We’ve discussed how an advance can assist you in paying your taxes in time and, more importantly, how a draw on your commission can help you increase your marketing exposure and business. So, what am I going to write about this month?

Thinking outside of the box. Yes, I know this has become a cliché. Let me explain. Just down the street from our office sits a 50 year-old shopping mall that’s about to be torn down and rebuilt. At first glance I thought this was great. Growth is always great…isn’t it? Well, it’s supposed to be…

On my daily perusal of the nation’s newspapers I came across an article about this mall and it’s tenants. Unhappy tenants. Business owners and employees who will be out of work and out of business in a few short months. Oh yeah. I forgot about them.

As a real estate professional you have the ability to create unlimited wealth and opportunity. Income as large as you want! Flexible working conditions that allow you to catch baseball’s Opening Day in Toronto or the Stanley Cup Finals in Calgary! March, April, and May will see you have a couple of dozen closings and hundreds of thousands of dollars in commissions! You go on vacation, upgrade your SUV, register your child in a private school, take your spouse on a shopping spree. Soon enough the closings dry up and so does your income. Mortgage payments, car payments, desk fees and cellular bills start knocking on your door. What about your savings? Savings? Studies show that the rate of savings in Canada is somewhere between zero and negative. The rat race is not the exlusive domain of the employee…

Don’t tune me out. I’m here to help. Think about this: You take an advance on all your deals. You take 50% now and 50% after closing. What does this do? It decreases your paycheque but increases the number of paycheques you get. After taxes your income hasn’t changed much. Furthermore, your desire to splurge will decrease, thus freeing up resources and allowing you to continue to maintain your lifestyle. Instead of “rewarding” yourself for a “hot market” you reward yourself for hitting your goals.

Now that’s what I call thinking outside of the box…

That’s all for now. I hope you’ve learned something new that can help you in your career and business. I hope to also receive any feedback and suggestions from you on how we can better serve our clients and potential customers. Keep an eye on your inbox every month this year on informative articles.

Remember, visit our website at www.RealCashCanada.com and read what some of our clients have to say about us.

Thank you for your time!


Karim Kanji


RealCash Bancorp Inc.

Canada’s largest, favourite and most affordable source of Commission Advances for the Real Estate Professional

No Gimmicks…Just Cash!


National Toll-Free: 1.800.265.2694


Welcome to RealCash Bancorp Inc.’s own Blogspot. To visit us online please check out www.realcashcanada.com . We will be glad to be of service to you!

Karim Kanji

RealCash Bancorp Inc.

“Commission Advances for the Canadian Real Estate Professional”
“No Gimmicks…Just Cash!”