January 24, 2008. I think this is going to be an interesting year.

In the midst of a weakened North American stock market and real estate industry here are some headlines that caught my attention – Real Estate STYLE!

One of the questions that always comes up is what effect will the American economy have on the Canadian real estate industry: HERE‘s what the Globe and Mail had to say. And HERE‘s what CTV said.

Interesting article about 2 realtors moving companies and it’s reprucussions.

Real Estate + Parking + Toronto, ON = SCAM!!!

Financial Post reports on a strong 2007 Real Estate market.

Calgary, Victoria, Montreal, Hamilton, Saskatoon, Toronto, and Quebec – some interesting and not-so-interesting news.

A study reported on by the Toronto Star says that the Housing Boom is having a negative effect on our poor.

Dodge says tough times are coming.

Royal Bank of Canada says Housing Affordability will improve in 2008. What the heck does this mean?!?! Will we get raises or will the market crash???

U.S. housing sales drop 13% in 2007. Thanks for the update, DUH!!!

Regent Park – An interesting study.

