Follow Friday

There is a fun, interesting and informative ritual that happens on Twitter every Friday.  It’s called Follow Friday.  However, 140 characters is usually never enough time to highlight people one wants to give thanks to.

So, here’s my Follow Friday recommendations.  I hope you enjoy.  And “follow” these people.  They’re all good people:

  1. @TheGarfoose – Dirk Hayhurst is a pitcher for MY Toronto Blue Jays and a hilarious Tweeter.  He also has a book coming out called The Bullpen Gospels.  Buy it.
  2. @mehnazt – Mehnaz wears her passion on her sleeve. She has a cool blog and is currently writing her first best-selling book.
  3. @vasta – Sameer may be a great storyteller, but he will always be my Scout.
  4. @karmacakedotca – Marie has a cool website about culture and people and anything else she is passionate about (like why TTC makes people angry:) )
  5. @clickflickca – Joallore is a social instigator who wants to live in Las Vegas.  But if he left Toronto things would be a little quieter. 
  6. @lauracasselman – Laura‘s a KickAss word of mouth person for Agent Wildfire and always smiling.
  7. @erin_bury – Erin is Sprouter.  Sprouter is the go-to company for start-ups around the world. Erin is the definition of the connect and collaboration features of social media.
  8. @skanwar – Satish is passionate about being his own boss and using social media to help people.
  9. @casiestewart – Casie defines the social in social media.
  10. @funkstop – Rahim likes to discuss how to make things better without all the hype.
  11. @saulcolt – Saul wants me to work with him wherever he goes but he hasn’t figured that out yet. Self-professed smartest man in the world understands how to create raving fans.
  12. @AKthe5th – Aaron is one of Toronto’s many young entreprenuers.
  13. @A2BNOW – Ahmed loves taking kids to the zoo. A truly great friend.

If you want to connect with these people and their communities join Twitter. Oh yeah, the “@” usually precedes the account holder’s “handle/name”.  To check them out prior just enter  For example, you can find my twitter page at

These are just some of the cool people I’ve had conversations with on Twitter. 

Who do you follow on Twitter and why?

