Not too long ago I became interested in what tools like Facebook, Twitter, iTunes and YouTube could do for my various activities in work, business and volunteer efforts.
This lead me to create various profiles on Google, Facebook and a host of other “social media” sites.
Finally I got myself invited to host a booth for the Toronto Green Community as a volunteer at an event known as TwestivalTO.
Which leads me to today as we enter the last few days of an event myself and a few others are spearheading. It’s called GREENtuity. More on this in a bit. But first I must tell you why.
Toronto Green Community has been home away from home for my wife for over the past 10 years or so. She started as a volunteer and is now the Director. They are an amazing grassroots-based not-for-profit organization. They have played a role in the creation of AutoShare and the wind turbine co-op many of you see near the CNE grounds.
Despite these amazing programs as well as many community-based initiatives like Lost Rivers Walks and Green Gardening, TGC seems to have never managed to create a following large enough to attact major donors, sponsorships, and even new and young memberships.
And this is where myself and the GREENtuity team come in.
GREENtuity, a Tip to the Environment, works by allowing patrons of our partner stores to make a $1 (or more) donation at their time of purchase. The goals of GREENtuity is to increase the profiles of our partners during Earth Week; increase the profile of Toronto Green Community and raise $5000 for TGC’s various initiatives and programs.
- Increase the profile of Toronto Green Community across Toronto.
- Raise $5000 for Toronto Green Community.
- Engage the “wired community” to become involved with Toronto Green Community.
GREENtuity, a play on the words green and gratuity, has increased the profile of TGC among our various partner stores. We have also had great support from various bloggers.
Which leads us to the $5000 goal. Can it be accomplished? Is it posibble? Impossible? Does it even matter? It does matter and I believe that we all can raise the $5000. The objective and the receipient are both worthy of our efforts.
I hope you will help.
Thank you.