You may have heard about the following story in your local sports news. Or maybe not. But I will bet dollars to donuts that we will soon see a ‘disney-type’ movie of this story soon. A book is already in the works. Nonetheless, it is a great feel good story. I hope you enjoy it!
Oh brother, that was a record-breaker
Matthew Chung
Sports Reporter
Toronto Star
Brigham Shearon dodged bad weather in the American south and midwest, fought back the urge to run for his life in Orlando, Fla., and ran out of money between Seattle and Oakland.
But with his brother, Todd, he accomplished his potentially Guinness World Record goal of visiting all 30 major league baseball stadiums in 28 days.
“It’s pretty surreal,” Brigham, 29, said yesterday, two days after watching Game 30 at Yankee Stadium.
The brothers, from Windsor, Ont., started their journey from the Rogers Centre on Aug. 7 to take on Brigham’s severe social anxiety and panic disorders.
The record still has to be verified by Guinness, but Brigham overcame his fear of flying and fought back feelings of panic while watching games.
“I learned that living is better than not,” Brigham said.
Their trip was no hot dog-eating jaunt through the U.S. On the west coast they got by on shared garlic fries and a chocolate bar for two days after waiting for funds.On the second-last day of the trip, Brigham finally got to meet Kansas City Royals pitcher Zack Greinke, who also has a social anxiety disorder.
They plan to publish a book.