Jeremy is founder and president of Socially Collaborative Media, Inc. a company focused on changing the status quo of the traditional video production industry through Spidvid’s community and new media platform. He is obsessed with sports, food, and his family.
What motivates you to do what you do on a daily basis?
I know it’s a bit cliche for an entrepreneur to say, but I want to change the world. In my case innovate the video production world by making it more open, connected, and globally collaborative.
If you had 30 seconds to impart your wisdom on a classroom of soon to be graduates, what would you say?
Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. Follow your passion and get a job that reflects that passion, or better yet control your own destiny and start your own company. There is usually a fine line between success and failure, people usually give up too early and quit when things get tough, but to push through that resistance is when the big wins happen. Oh, and read all of Seth Godin’s books and his daily blog.
In your opinion, what has been one of the most important technical developments over the past 12 months?
I would have to say the introduction of the iPad, just because it’s creating a whole new product category that will be totally mainstream in less than 5 years from now. Tablets have also killed off the Netbook market in a big way. My answer is also based on me being an Apple fan boy.
If you have a crystal ball, what would you say will be the most important technical development over the next 12 months?
Tough to say, technology is moving so fast that it makes predicting its future so challenging. I would say that millions of people will cancel their cable or satellite TV subscriptions in favor of using a box like Roku or Apple TV to watch their content online, and save lots of money. The “cord cutting” movement is just beginning right now.
Who is one of Canada’s tech stars and why?
It’s been exciting to see new tech stars emerge from across Canada over the last couple years. To say just one is tough, but Jordan Banks is leading Facebook Canada, so with Facebook being the fastest growing tech company in the world I give the honour to this remarkable gentleman.